I lost control and pulled the trigger and lost control and spoke too much and said anything and didn’t change as much I’d like to. I couldn’t finish it and I keep finding all the excuses to not doing it (or to do). Convenience, that’s the name we use to not face the truth inside us. Convenience is justifying all the lies, is feeding the fear.
While we're on the subject Could we change the subject now? I was knocking on your ears Don't worry, you were always out Looking towards the future We were begging for the past Well, we know we had the good things But those never seemed to last Oh, please just last
Everyone's unhappy Everyone's ashamed Well we all just got caught looking At somebody else's page Well, nothing ever went Quite exactly as we planned Our ideas held no water But we used them like a dam
Oh, and we carried it all so well As if we got a new position Oh, and I laugh all the way to hell Saying, "Yes, this is a fine promotion" Oh, and I laugh all the way to hell
Of course everyone goes crazy Over such and such and such We made ourselves a pillar But we just used it as a crutch We were certainly uncertain At least I'm pretty sure I am Well, we didn't need the water But we just built that good goddamn
Oh, and I know this of myself I'd assume as much for other people Oh, and I know this of myself We've listened more to life's end gong Than the sound of life's sweet bells
Was it ever worth it? Was there all that much to gain? Well, we knew we'd missed the boat And we'd already missed the plane We didn't read the invite We just danced at our own wake All our favorites were playing So we could shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
Tiny curtains open and we heard the tiny clap of little hands A tiny man would tell a little joke and get a tiny laugh from all the folks Sitting, drifting around in bubbles and thinking it was us that carried them When we finally got it figured out that we had truly missed the boat
Oh, and we carried it all so well As if we got a new position Oh, and we owned all the tools ourselves But not the skills to make a shelf with Oh, what useless tools ourselves
Fim de ano é um porre atrás do outro, um monte de ansiedades para concluir o que nos propusemos lá no início do ano (e que vamos propor de novo), um tanto de horas gastas em congestionamentos cretinos por causa de árvores de natal e show de luzes. Eu detesto árvores de natal, presépios e coral. A temática natalina de modo geral me irrita.
A parte boa do fim de ano é que, por alguma razão obscura, marcamos encontros com todas as pessoas para as quais não demos a menor audiência durante o ano. E nos atualizamos sobre todos os assuntos pendentes, para que possamos passar o próximo ano agendando chopes que não vão acontecer.
E também encontramos todo mundo que a gente gosta e que vimos menos do que gostaríamos. Hoje eu fui fazer aquele tricô com as meninas: almocinho, vinho e conversas que realmente alimentam o meu ego. Falamos mal dos nossos empregos e salários, revisamos nossas bandas e escritores favoritos, discutimos nosso apreço por esquisitices em geral e pessoas complexas, decidimos arrumar um geriatra e começar alguma atividade física que não seja ingerir unidades alcoólicas no próximo ano.
Não fizemos nenhuma promessa, porque já somos crescidinhas e sabemos que não vamos cumpri-las.
Mas trocamos livros incríveis, fizemos listas infames e concluímos que as grandes bandas de rock, daquelas com jatinhos, não existem mais. Tudo bem, ainda existem Michael Stipe e Yorke e eles querem comer o Morrisey.